All the Reasons Why I Won’t Be Watching Fate: The Winx Saga
Hey there, everyone! Welcome to my blog post! This is still the Babyland newsletter, just with pizzaz added to it.
Last week, I briefly discussed Winx Club and Fate: The Winx Saga. Today, let me prepare you.
If you are a huge fan or a so-so fan of the adaptation, please skip this post. I’m entitled to my opinion, as you are. Going by the litany of disappointed fans and negative reviews, I obviously agree with them; therefore, I list my own reasons why I don’t agree with the latest adaptation of WINX.
Spoilers are included. Read with caution, loves!
*I read reviews, watched commentary on YouTube, watched trailers for both seasons, and read up on both TV shows to get a feel for whether I’d like to watch Fate. Can’t say I’m interested after I researched all that.Let’s start with what the show does not include:
1) Close friendship
Yo, I’m not seeing the warm, close-knit, friendly friendship! From the looks of it, the girls don’t bond and go their separate ways. Animated WINX should teach the live-action series a lesson.2) Home planets
YEAH, HOME PLANET! Mine is Earth, what’s yours! Each fairy from the cartoon series had a residence from another planet, including Bloom, who resided on Earth for much of her life until she learned over time, she originated from a magical dimension named Domino. Now, on Netflix, in the world of Fate: The Winx Saga, planets have been removed and replaced by realms all compressed together. Where be sparkly magical world?3) Wings
Someone forgot their pair of wings! An angel without wings is ludicrous. A fairy without wings is ridiculous! According to the Netflix adaptation, fairies used to have them. Yeah? I used to be a mermaid; now, I can get by with half a tail transformation and continue to swim in the water—still a mermaid.4) Magical creatures
While the creator of Winx Club himself, Iginio Straffi, wanted an adult-themed, live-action version of Winx Club, I don’t understand why that meant making the version into a dark version. Unicorns, pixies, dragons, fairy pets, or ogres don’t appear to make the cut for his latest fairy project. Bloom’s firepower counts! She comes from the Dragon Flame! There’s your magical creature! Nailed it, Netflix!
In my opinion, it’d be adorable for a computer-generated pixie to appear on the screen. It’s been done before.5) Tecna and Flora
In our prevalent reality of omnipresent technology, what GIVES with the erasure of Tecna, fairy of technology? As for Flora, she doesn’t make an appearance until Season 2! She’s practically a late-comer to the Winx! She may, yes, have been added to the series (finally), but her arrival in Season 2, not Season 1, makes me quickly say, “I’m out!”6) Brandon and Timmy
Pro: the Specialists are included. Con: original members are subtracted. The Winx Saga writers must love to eschew from the original story. Brandon was one of the prominent Specialists, and Timmy might have been the most essential to the crew as he was adroit with technology. Thinking it over, Tecna is absent from this show, and she was Timmy’s love. Then again, we have Stella, who dated Brandon in the first show, but her heart lies with Sky . . .7) Hovercraft
Synonymous with the tech we saw Tecna use all the time, The Winx Saga leaves no reminder of the hovercraft in their series. Cars are the norm. Basic, are we?8) Cloud Tower
Headmistress Griffin and her witch students, along with their school, were killed off in the “grown-up” Winx Club. My heart goes out to them.Follow me, and let’s look at what the hell has changed!!!
9) “Flora” and Musa
The new “Flora” of Netflix’s Fate is Terra. Flora is mentioned in Season 1 as a cousin to Terra. What what? This would be a flip flop, except in the animated counterpart, Flora had a sister named Miele. With Terra in place of Flora, it doesn’t fly with me. Pun intended. Over to Musa: The Winx Saga writers relegated her from a fairy of technology to an empath fairy who feels others’ emotions. Those headphones she wears are to work against her abilities rather than acting as a source of her magic. Cartoon Musa made sense!10) “Diversity”
I’ve had a look over the extended cast, and there is diversity. Applause! However, look closely enough, and you’ll see precisely where casting screwed up. Wow, one black character in the overall major Winx characters. I don’t find this up to snuff. Was there difficulty hiring an Asian actress for Musa and a Latina actress for Flora, or more like, Terra? Write to me, Netflix!11) Wardrobe
Explain how this is a young-adult version of Winx when the girls are supposed to be the same age as their cartoon counterparts. Further, the teens on the Netflix saga don’t dress as much as teen girls do. The fashion is quite blah. Surprisingly, I am fond of the outfits from the original TV show. For the Netflix original series, skimpy outfits would do. That’s how girls from my high school dressed, anyway.12) Accents
Read this twice in case I’ve offended you: I have no problem with British accents. It’s in a story written like Fate, where characters who come from all over share the same accent, does it piss me off. Harry Potter characters can get away with it for the straightforward reason that they live in England. For Fate: The Winx Saga, where everyone has the same accent (but not Bloom), makes the creators look like they are striving for unimpressionable sophistication.13) Trix
We got no wings; we got no Cloud Tower; we got no Trix! The destructive trio of witches made the animated Winx so enjoyable to watch. Come on over to live-action Winx, and one has made it to the small screen. Her name isn’t any of the original Trixes: it’s Beatrix. Beatrix dies already by Season 1. To screw this up more so, she’s a flippin’ fairy!14) Evil headmistress
What I love about Winx Club (I have plenty of seasons left to watch) is the presence of the sincere, kind headmistress named Faragonda. Faragonda protected the girls and strived for them to be powerful fairies. Enter Fate: the world of Alfea has changed its tune by replacing her with a headmistress who isn’t what she seems to be.15) Relationships
Stella goes for Sky, Bloom’s BF? Riven has his eyes set on Beatrix and not Musa? Where did these effed-up relationships come from?? I find it cringe-worthy! Sky and Bloom were such a power couple in animated Winx! Just put Sky with Bloom and Musa with Riven–properly–end of story!16) No crown
I was surprised to learn that in Season 2 of the 2004 series, the newcomer Winx–Layla/Aisha–was a princess. Switch to the 2021 series, no princess Aisha. Stella keeps her crown. Can’t say the same about Bloom, but I’m not picking favorites here.17) Added characters
All these unnecessary brand-new characters, even a fill-in for a Specialist, when surely there was room for a Specialist named Brandon, make the show unrecognizable to the highest degree. Around this point, I fail to see how this is Winx Club in flesh and blood.18) Parents
2004 Bloom had a warm, supportive relationship with her adoptive parents. In that version, she was adopted after her adoptive father discovered her safely protected by a magical shield. That shield protected her from fire, which broke out around her. In the gloomy Netflix version, she’s switched with another baby. Somehow her parents didn’t know that. :/ Not dark enough? Her power unleashes in her house and on one of her parents, nearly killing them. Thankfully, Winx Club didn’t turn down that dark path. While original Bloom’s power was magic, I look over at adapted Bloom, and I get more of a sense she’s a mutant and not a fairy.19) Stella
In the lovely Winx Club, Stella wasn’t perfect, for she made comments about those around her, was highly opinionated, and snapped when she didn’t get her way. Through it all, her habit of cracking jokes, standing up for her friends, courageousness, and kindness is the polar opposite compared to the live-action Winx Club. Hell, going after her friend’s boyfriend is not Stella at all! Her rudeness, mean attitude, and lack of loyalty to her friends turn me away.20) Moody and gloomy
A young-adult-themed Winx Club didn’t have to be dark, rife with snappy, uneasy-going teenagers who drink and mention gays. LGBTQ is the norm in television nowadays; refer to social media and Harry Potter, as though that’s the single most appropriate reference for a magical fantasy series. It could have turned out similar to Mean Girls, embracing the colorful set design and outfits for each character that is both on-point for their style, age, and period. The magic deserved a more magical essence than popping up like mutant abilities. The girls definitely could have acted nicer to each other and accepted one another faster.
Harry Potter did a fantastic job going from page to screen. The writers of Fate: The Winx Saga did not have such a laborious task. Yet they mistook that grown-up fans of the original Winx would love a stress-inducing, eerie take on the beloved show in live-action.Admittingly, Fate looks cool, but I don’t get that same feeling of Winx when I look at it. I see gloom and death and so-so friendships. If you like the show, good for you. I’m going to be sticking with the beloved, colorful Winx Club!
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After reading this post, are you more Winx or Fate?
Thanks for reading!
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8 Dark Comedy Films to Ease Your Soul
Yo, yo readers! We’re one month closer to summer, buuut. . .wow, no shortage of stress in the world, correct? I won’t list them here, though. Gloom and doom’s residency is elsewhere.
However, my idea to round up an abbreviated list of dark comedy films is apt at the time of Mental Health Awareness Month. In the discussion of comedy–at this very moment–comedy and mental health are an odd mix yet add up when you take a closer look.
While not an odd mix but a great combo, take dessert and pair it with a broken heart. Chocolate has a way of soothing salty tears if you follow.
Mental health help and self-love–which I believe in–go hand in hand.
Looking for relief during that self-care? Then read on!
Dark comedy-horror flicks
For the droll animal in you . . .
An American Werewolf in London (1981)
Credit: IMDB Recent
For the duo who find themselves in unbelievable crap . . .
Get Out (2017)
Credit: IMDB Dark comedy romance flicks
For your abstruse interests . . .
Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992)
Credit: IMDB Recent
For your heart and soul . . .
Warm Bodies (2013)
Credit: IMDB Dark comedy-drama flicks
For the times you let the curse words fly. . .
Pulp Fiction (1994)
Credit: IMDB Recent
For your bad-ass self. . .
I, Tonya (2017)
Credit: IMDB Dark comedy-mystery flicks
For you and the gang who break out a DIY crime scene when someone’s phone goes missing at so-and-so’s house. . .
Clue (1985)
Credit: IMDB Recent
For the “pal” in your life who runs around wearing Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak . . .
A Simple Favor (2018)
Credit: IMDB Enjoy whatever film you pick! One more thing!
Have you tried the LikeWise app? It’s similar to GoodReads, where you make a list of your favorite books and discover new reads. Like GoodReads, LikeWise gives you options to discover similar TV shows, movies, and podcasts! Hence, LikeWise!
TV Series and Movies I Need to See This Year
Mentions: Arthur, Inventing Anna, WINX Club, Victoria, Greta, Little Women, Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin, Aquaman, Birdman, The Power of the Dog, The Secret of Kells, and Annabelle 2&3
Before I get all weird and off-the-wall, let’s turn our heads to what occurred this week: Ukraine is under attack by Russia. My heart goes to those fleeing their homes, to those who have loved ones over in Ukraine. My heart goes to those in Russia who wish they could fight back. I wish I had more words to say.
Back to a lighter note: I, Eileen, have time away from Baby today! I brought her over to Funny Baby’s house to have a playdate with one another! It worked out because I told her I had a couple of appointments! True, as this post was initially set for last Wednesday. It’s not like I don’t try to set a time for all of you!
Since I don’t have set plans for the foreseeable future, imma lay out the movies and tv shows I need to see this year. Maybe you’ll like my list; maybe you won’t. That’s why we have TikTok and YouTube–for those who can’t bother with TV seasons or movies more than an hour and a half long.
Arthur) Oh, goodness, how old am I? For your info, Arthur ended its last season days ago after being on air for 25 years. It’s one of the longest-running kids’ shows of all time. Presenting empathy, real-life situations, and its line of celebrities is perhaps what made this beloved show run for this long. If you are in my age group, you might remember the oldest episodes more so than the newest episodes–unless you happen to have glimpsed at Arthur in the past ten years. *Cue the sad music from the episodes*
Inventing Anna) I’ve got a newbie on this list, and her name is Anna! Inventing Anna is a series on Netflix (for a change, not Paramount+, HBO, or AppleTV+) about a female con artist. Think Elizabeth Holmes or President Cheeto. Should you have ever seen Ozark, you may be familiar with Julia Garner–she’s the player here!
I, for one, barely had interest in this series when I was a wee one. It’s had spin-offs and recently a Netflix live-action series, I believe. Le livre of that makes me want to watch this spell-binding animated series from where it all started. I need to know: Will I enjoy it? How many seasons does it last? Which platform do I watch it on? Will eating half a box of chocolate ruin the experience of watching it or not?
Victoria absconded us at season 3 with dire warnings. I’ve been awaiting for thee to make her final return; alas, I’ve been in the dark. Pray tell, you enjoy the English productions? But of course! I fancy England, for I am an Anglophile. Tea practically runs in my blood. The English sweets aren’t easy for me to resist! Has this Queen returned yet, or has she other duties to consider?
Let’s pop on over to another female-dominated production, this time a feature film. Some blond teen returns an item to a lone French woman, and stalker city ensues. I saw its movie trailer, and I was like, “Why is this older woman after a blond teen? Does she want her autograph?”
Well, I’m little, I’m a woman, why not watch? Do you recall the buttload of commercials and advertisements this film had before it hit theaters? It did reach theaters, didn’t it? It was Christmas day . . .okay, besides that, I’m impressed by the cast in here. I’m more impressed that I haven’t seen it.
Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin)
This looks like it may be one of the best films in the franchise. What is it, a teen girl visits a village where her ancestors are, to learn more about her dead mother? Her mother’s spirit is still there? Hauntings…loading. From what I’ve noticed, these types of films–the portrayal of scary home movies–went up in popularity since the first Paranormal Activity. Looks like the PA franchise couldn’t end it just yet after the last film. Apparently not enough complaints about trips to the bathrooms. . .
I’d like to check it out! Let’s experience this “underwater” live-action film. Until the movie’s upcoming release date, I’d never heard about this superhero. There’s a similar superhero in Spongebob and in Fairly Oddparents. My mermaid obsession is coming out! I wanna feast my eyes on what Nicole Kidman’s power is in this film! She’s a mermaid!?
We’re going back to eight years when this bizarro film touched the silver screen. I had my doubts about this one. I still kinda do. Michael Keaton’s a superhero-actor here? Retired actor? An actor-superhero? He’s more like Deadpool, personality-wise? It’s a quirky film. Watch …if you watched Batman.
A newbie film! I’m not a Western fanatic, but I’ve been tracking Benedict Cumberbatch since his Sherlock days. I gotta see how cruel he acts in his latest project!
It’s some animated Irish film I don’t know what it’s about. It shares the same animation style as Wolfwalkers, that AppleTV+ series. I’ll give it a go–it has that fantasy element to it.
Annabelle Creation & Annabelle Comes Home
Yeah, I don’t have a fascination with old, creepy, haunted dolls in IRL, but when I saw several minutes of the sequel of Annabelle on TV–that’s Annabelle Creation–I had that desire to freak myself out for the fun of it. Based on true events, the real Annabelle doll stays away from humans, since she’s, how do I put this lightly? CURSED! Your life if you wanna visit her. BTW, Annabelle Comes Home is the 3rd film of this franchise. I have no desire to watch the first one since IMO, it doesn’t seem worth watching.
For accurate information on the films and TV series, click on the links, since I didn’t feel like researching for this post at all! That’s not usually the case!
Movie Genres I’m Into
As a cinephile, my intense love for the movies breaks into film history, film facts, celebrity news and so on. I scrutinize a film from the filming location to hidden Easter eggs.
Enough said, as mentioned above, being a cinephile, I expand my horizons. Where are we going here?
The Anime fanatics. War . . .jarheads. Diehard sports fans. Bandwagon fans. Using words I’m making up at the moment, sorta. Or not.
Don’t need to tell ya ’cause imma show ya!
I do not prefer one over the other. These are my go-to.
Without further ado, before I bore you into the next life, here:Action:
You and your bro stay up until four in the morning watching these. Your eyeballs feel like warm, teary hard-boiled eggs from lack of sleep. Weird? Yeaaahh. What an absurdist remark, ya noob!
Mad Max: Fury Road; X-Men franchise; Assassin’s Creed; Robin Hood OriginsAnimation: Or animated? Whichever.
Spirit:Stallion of the Cimarron . . .
You know I had “rise” in there instead of “stallion?” I don’t know where that came from!
Iron Giant; The Adventures of Tin-Tin; My Little Pony: The MovieYo, these go hand in hand. Tin-Tin is in fact live-action but hey, doesn’t it look animated?
Lincoln; Steve Jobs
Why, aren’t the the film titles about Steve Jobs absolutely confusing? There’s the Ashton Kutcher film titled Jobs and the most recent film, Steve Jobs, starring the sexiest man ever, Michael Fassbender. How about the next film of the Apple giant bear the title, “Not User Friendly”?
Hidden Figures; Rocketman
It is, okay? There happens to be more music in it.
Mary Queen of Scots; Sully; Captain Phillips; The Revenant . . . ishComedy: Booksmart; Hot Fuzz; Shaun of the Dead; Airplane; Monty Python; Caddyshack; Deadpool 1&2; The Hitman’s Bodyguard
Classic: Spaceballs; The Naked Gun; The Sound of Music; Mary Poppins (1964); Heidi (1937)
Sure nailed that list!Chick films: Legally Blonde 1&2; Mean Girls; Sleepover; Princess Diaries 1&2; The Devil Wears Prada; Aquamarine
Note I’ve legitimately seen these films. I’m not posting particular favorites/randoms. Like I’m not gonna post The Hangover because–mind blown fact–I’ve never seen that film and have no interest in it. Sorry if I ruined your day.
Yes, I have docos on here. Docus. Should also be docos. As a young’un, it’s expected the lack of appreciation there. I’ve matured and realized the appreciation of education. If there’s a docu-doco out there for you that isn’t boring AF, go for it! I’ve found ones that interest me all the way.
Hail Satan?; Where to Invade Next; Jesus Camp
Okay, Jesus Camp is down here for the sake of shock and to poke fun at it. I’m in no way religious. Apologies if this is offensive to you. That’s my personality.Fantasy:
Pan’s Labyrinth; Harry Potter franchise; Cinderella (2015); Miss. Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children; Doctor StrangeForeign:
To immerse oneself into a foreign flick can be quite rewarding. For those who haven’t traveled for shit (me, me, me!) it takes you around the world virtually. As a reminder, traveling truly is exclusive. I’d do it if I acquired the funds.
Parasite; Mostly Martha; Pihu; BrooklynHistorical:
I’ve appreciated history once I’ve attended high school. History, I’d say, is subjective. Subjective like ones whom are after unicorn sloths versus unicorn cats. I’ll take the original–the unicorn–please.
Dunkirk; Jackie; 1917; The PrestigeHorror:
A wee I regretted sitting through. That scare factor, the bile coming up your throat. Yet your eyes linger to the screen when your insides are screaming to get out.
Get Out; Us; Oculus; Orphan; The Uninvited; Paranormal Activity; Midsommar; Freaky; The Shining; The Invisible Man (2020)
Hey, can I cut in like I have been and say what timing The Invisible Man had in coming out in 2020? Invisible but it’s there? Like the virus? Scary enough?
It Follows; Chernobyl Diaries; Run.; American Psycho
Honest, The Shining did not scare me to the core. I’ve played that on TV at least eight times. Unlike The Shining, Midsommar stayed with me negatively. If you aren’t prepared for that type of movie–ahem, cult–it might not be ya thing. That’s all I will say about that one.Sci-Fi:
Seriously depends. Are there aliens involved? Metamorphic zombies? If experiments are the substance of the film, humans turn out not to be humans, I’ll be there.
Hanna; Morgan; War for the Planet of the Apes (hello, Andy Serkis); Venom; Arrival; The Martian; PrometheusThriller
Difficult for me to think of here.
Panic Room; InceptionI intentionally left out “family,” “drama,” “holiday,” and “romance,” as those are cliché to me. There’s an abundance of them, to say the least.
What do you think of these genres/movies I listed? Any genres you can think of that aren’t usually a talking point? Say them below in the comments.
See ya ya ya!
I’m Getting Nostalgic Vibes from PBS Kids’ Arthur
If you are up-to-date with what’s happening in pop culture, if you have a child at home, chances might be, you’ve heard the bittersweet news about PBS Kids: Arthur, the longest-running animated children’s TV series of ALL time, will come to a full stop at 25 seasons.
Twenty-five seasons sounds like a reasonable number of seasons for an animated series. For children, it’s impressive as much as I’d love for them to press on, though. How about 30 seasons? No? There are enough great-grandchildren from the writers who work on the show?
It hasn’t been long since I’ve wanted to write about Arthur. This is my chance since the TV show’s developer has made the most significant announcement.
First Arthur began as children’s books in the 1970s. By the early ’90s, video games developed to feature the beloved aardvark. With the transcendence of book sales–at OVER 65 million books sold alone in the United States–it’s no wonder Arthur got a TV show of his own. Episode one aired in 1996. Arthur, you are older than me. Not by much, I’m happy to say.
Okay, if you were like me, who watched Arthur when you were a child (you grew up with it), then admit you are feeling like all the greatest kid shows of all time, from the past, are dying out.
I recall the days when after school, I hurried home to watch episodes of Arthur. Episodes I hadn’t seen since I was . . . four. Whether I was six or seven at the time, I hadn’t a care. By 2005, there were already 120 episodes, so don’t expect a kid of my age to recall every episode ever seen.
Additionally, I can watch episodes repeatedly; others I’ve watched too much to enjoy them once more. The classic episodes hold a place in my heart since they are the best episodes, without question. Of those classics, I almost know them from start to finish. In contrast, for the classics I can barely recite, they make for happy reruns.
Once I hit my tweens, I silently debated whether that was where a kid puts a stop sign to the TV shows they’ve watched since childhood. From what I heard at middle school, those in my age group viewed Jersey Shore and Keeping Up with the Kardashians. I did not desire to turn off at Kid Street and onto Adolescent Avenue at age eleven and twelve. My heart beat for me, not my classmates. Arthur remained a continuity until I was a tween. No one would convince me that show was subordinate at my age then.
Those picture books I mentioned earlier, I can thank my mom for interesting me in Arthur. Then there’s my dad, where a specific memory stands out: when he read me one of the books, he lightheartedly referred to the grandmother in the book (known as Grandma Thora) as Grandma Thorax. It tickled me.
Later in grade school, I graduated from the Arthur picture books and onto the chapter books. I can’t say I stuck with them.
I’m not a crazy Arthur fan, but I will say I got my hands on a scant amount of merchandise: the juice tasted more delectable with that aardvark face plastered on the mini carton; Arthur’s Camping Adventure CD-ROM fed my computer addiction; I’m sure I occupied my time with one of many activity books which starred Arthur and his friends.
Recently, when I was out and about, maybe a year ago, I spotted a teen girl in a mid-riff top with the Arthur title card on it. I called out in excitement as to wish that I owned one.
As I mentioned earlier, Arthur aired in 1996. From the early days until the newest episodes, special guests made their appearances. Real celebrities used their voices to voice themselves within an episode. Matt Damon made “an appearance” going back over ten years ago. Joan Rivers voiced a pushy yet humorous Jewish grandmother. Ming Tsai stole the spotlight as a judge for the childrens’ food contest. Alex Trebek’s appearance was that of a television host on a game show. Michelle Kwan brought her voice to that of herself as an ice skater. Yo-Yo Ma reminded us of the beauty of classical music. From the “Car Talk Radio”, the Car Talk Guys cameoed perfectly as what they mirrored best: offering advice when it came to car trouble.
Other than celebrity cameos, Arthur made it real as his show covered IRL, diversified problems. Season 18, as it aired in 2015, covered hurricanes and their aftermath. More current episodes involved same-sex marriage and giving recyclables a second life by turning them into art.
Characters had their relatable stories, too. One little boy hailed from Africa and settled down in the fictional Elwood City. A girl in Arthur’s class moved constantly as her father was in the Army.
For those in our generation, we’ve seen the changes Arthur has taken. He’s made himself a thing on the internet. Anyone who reads through enough social media or the most up-to-date funniest content knows what I’m getting at:
Arthur, you’ve become a meme!
Several memes that is!
You went from that animated aardvark in online games on PBS Kids to an angry face on Buzzfeed!
Dang, how you’ve grown!
So there, Arthur. Your hand-drawn profile gets annihilated, and instead, for the upcoming generation of kids, your animation is drawn through computers. What’s more, you are a meme.
Arthur fans can only hope that when they walk down the street, and if they believe in themselves, you will be back someday. Maybe in a short video. Maybe your sister D.W. will supersede you, grow up and star in videos instead–after she takes “Dora” as her name.Have you ever watched Arthur? Will you miss it? Any episodes that stood out to you? Lemme know!!!
And a thank you to Marc Brown for allowing me to mention you in this post! 🙂
Limbong, Andrew. “’Arthur,’ The Longest-Running Kids Animated Series In History, Is Ending.” WNYC, NPR, 28 July 2021,
Brown, Marc. “The Little Aardvark with a Big Agenda.” Marc Brown Studios, Inkberries,
Bailey, Greg, director. Arthur. Cookie Jar Studios, 1997. IMDB,
“Episodes.” Arthur Wiki, Fandom TV, 2021,
“People from the Real World.” Arthur Wiki, Fandom TV, 2021,
“Arthur Merchandise.” Arthur Wiki, Fandom TV, 2021,, Marc. “Arthur’s Teacher Trouble (Video Game).” IMDB, Brøderbund Software/Living Books, 1992, PC.
Brown, Marc. “Arthur Books.” Arthur Wiki, Little Brown and Company,
Brown, Marc. “Arthur Chapter Books.” Arthur Wiki, Little Brown Books for Young Readers,
“Arthur’s Camping Adventure (Video Game).”, The Learning Company/Mattel Interactive, Apple. Microsoft Windows.
“Arthur Activity BOOKS (BENDON).” Arthur Wiki, Fandom,
“Matt Damon.” Arthur Wiki, Fandom,
“Is That Kosher?” Arthur Wiki, Fandom,
“Ming Tsai.” Arthur Wiki, Fandom,
“Alex Lebeck.” Arthur Wiki, Fandom,
“Michelle Kwan.” Arthur Wiki, Fandom,
“Yo-Yo Ma.” Arthur Wiki, Fandom,
“The Car Talk Guys.” Arthur Wiki, Fandom,
“Season 18.” Arthur Wiki, Fandom,
Hirsch, Peter K. Shelter from the Storm. 9 Story Media Group/WGBH, 2015. IMDB,
Hirsch, Peter K. Mr. Ratburn and the Special Someone. 2019. IMDB,
Berger, Glen. George Scraps His Sculpture. 2021. IMDB,
“Cheikh.” Arthur Wiki, Fandom,
“Ladonna Compson.” Arthur Wiki, Fandom,
“Arthur’s Big Hit/Gallery.” Edited by DJ et al., Arthur Wiki, Fandom,
Hough, Soren. “The Golden Age of ‘Arthur’ Comes to an End.” Massachusetts Daily Collegian, The Student News Site of University of Massachusetts, 5 Nov. 2013,
A Farewell to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
For the past nine years, another generation of My Little Pony has graced the screen. This past version, generation four, closed in after nine seasons. Nine seasons, where season nine took my breath away as it inched closer to the two last remaining episodes. This reboot eclipsed the previous TV series and movies, which goes for my opinion. For those who recollect the series from ’86-87 but take this new MLP to heart, you understand this TV show and the fundamentals behind it.
Alright, you know the gist of the series: egghead Twilight Sparkle is on duty to study friendship in Ponyville as she is a star student of Princess Celestia. Dope. In Ponyville, she befriends five ponies–two earth ponies, two pegasi, and one unicorn. All six are the exponents of friendship. All throughout the series, the mane six (yes, mane not main) learn that with friends at your side, friendship is magic.
My love for MLP has expanded ever since I discovered the reboot and moved farther away from the ponies I grew up with. I recall the generation three-movie, The Princess Promenade. The particular characters in the film that partake in the TV show running today are Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. The film I speak of, Pinkie Pie does not come close to the humorous Pinkie in the TV show on the air today. Rainbow Dash in the movies of yore is exquisite. To add to her refined manner, she speaks with an accent–that’s all fine–in contrast to the Rainbow Dash of the show we have now, I want nothing to do with the past Rainbow. Further, the colors of Dash’s mane in G4 does it justice. As I noted, the G3 ponies still have my love, but not as much after I’ve seen the rebirth of the story.
The variety of uniqueness shaped the installment of the series; that’s what I adore about it. There’s the inclusion of fillies, colts, stallions, and the elders. Each age group shares reminders of how they come into play in our own lives. I can’t forget to mention stallions and colts exist on this show to branch off the age groups! They never appeared indispensable in the previous generations. Both serve as brothers and fathers on Friendship is Magic—guards, classmates, construction workers, shopowners, and celebrities.
Moving on, there is such a thing as dull colors in the oasis of Ponyville. A gothic pony appeared on the screen.:) Ponies in muted browns and oranges are nothing new. Dark grey, brown, red, and black are what’s in for the ponies of Friendship is Magic. I’d like to point out the accessories spotted here and there. What may appear minute, it adds verve: glasses (yeah!) goggles, earrings, helmets, outfits, and ties. For those in the millennial age, we get it! These equines get it!
What MLP gen. 3, 2, and 1 remained strict upon was the endeavor of the “pony only” in the TV title. Minus the humans in the G1 TV series. The revival of it in 2010 offers donkeys, yaks, buffalo, a minotaur, a mule, and a zebra. MLP: FiM wouldn’t have gone far if it excluded creatures: changelings, hippogriffs, seaponies, to name a few. Friendship isn’t appearance-related. A proverb from New York states, “We love our friends in spite of, not because of.” (A Dictionary of American Proverbs) No, not correctly cited.
Friendship is Magic goes beyond the toys and picture books. I have a graphic novel featuring them, and if I had the shelf space, I’d buy more! In my early high school days, I owned a “20% Cooler” Rainbow Dash tee. Browse Etsy for cutie mark jewelry. Funko Pop shares stock with the colorful equines. ComicCon is well aware of the Bronies who promenade there every year. Hooves down, the 2017 film was the best out of all of them!
I finished up the series with a heavy heart. I cried silent tears at the last episode. I’d like it to have continued for three more seasons; that was my wish. More so, I learned from the show: friendship is precious, a gift. Those six ponies each taught me what truly matters in friendship. Through each episode tells a powerful message; I can’t explain it all here. It’s the perseverance of the six friends which made my heart feel whole.
As I finish this up, I have one friend. Sure, I really do wish I had friends like the mane six. Maybe over time, I will. If I end up only sticking with my one friend, that’s fine, too.From the Dictionary of American Proverbs, “Reproduced with permission of the Licensor through PLSclear.”
Faust, Lauren. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. IMDb,, 10 Oct. 2010,
Batchelder, Warren, director. My Little Pony ‘n Friends. IMDb,, 15 Sept. 1986,“My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Wiki.” Edited by FANDOM, Fandom, Fandom TV,
Chele, Victor Del, director. My Little Pony: The Princess Promenade. IMDb,, 28 Mar. 2006,
Mieder, Wolfgang, et al. “A Dictionary of American Proverbs.” A Dictionary of American Proverbs, © Oxford University Press, 1992.“My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic ‘The Beginning of the End’-Part One.” IMDb, Hasbro/DHX Media,
“Twilight Sparkle.” Friendship Is Magic Wiki, Fandom,
“Princess Celestia.” Friendship Is Magic Wiki, Fandom,
“Characters.” Friendship Is Magic Wiki, Fandom,
Chele, Victor Dal, director. My Little Pony: Pinkie Pie and the Lady Bug Jamboree. IMDb, Hasbro/Sabella Dern Entertainment, 2006,
“Elements of Harmony.” Friendship Is Magic Wiki, Fandom,
Kuenster, Dan, director. My Little Pony (TV Series 2003-2009). IMDb, Hasbro/ Sabella Dern Entertainment, 2003,
“List of Ponies/Foals.” Friendship Is Magic Wiki, Fandom,
“List of Ponies/Earth Ponies/Stallions.” My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Wiki, Hasbro/Fandom,
“List of Ponies/Elders.” Friendship Is Magic Wiki, Fandom,
“Category: Royal Guards.” Friendship Is Magic, Fandom,
“Category: School Students.” Friendship Is Magic Wiki, Fandom,
“Jack Hammer.” Friendship Is Magic Wiki, Fandom,
“Spa Ponies.” Friendship Is Magic Wiki, Fandom,
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“Limestone Pie and Marble Pie.” Friendship Is Magic Wiki, Fandom,
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“G2 Ponies.” My Little Wiki, Media Wiki, 7 May 2020,
“Category:Generation 1.” My Little Wiki, MediaWiki, 11 Dec. 2012,
“Cranky Doodle Donkey.” Friendship Is Magic Wiki, Fandom,
“Prince Rutherford.” Friendship Is Magic Wiki, Fandom,
“Buffalo.” Friendship Is Magic, Fandom,
“Creatures.” Friendship Is Magic, Fandom,
“Mule.” Friendship Is Magic Wiki, Fandom,
“Zecora.” Friendship Is Magic Wiki, Fandom,
“Hippogriff.” Friendship Is Magic Wiki, Fandom,
“Seaponies and Mermares.” Friendship Is Magic Wiki, Fandom,
Hasbro. “My Little Pony Royal Ponies of Equestria Figures [Toy].” Hasbro, Hasbro, Pawtucket, RI
Hasbro, Inc.Berrow, G. M. Rarity and the Curious Case of Charity. Hachette Childrens Books, 2015. Friendship Is Magic Wiki,
Cook, Katie, and Andy Price. My Little PONY: Friendship Is Magic, Vol. 1. Vol. 1, IDW Publishing, 2014. Friendship Is Magic Wiki,
Bubble, Red. “20 Cooler T-Shirts.” Redbubble, Redbubble,
“Cutie Mark.” Etsy, Etsy,
ToyWiz. “Funko The Movie POP! My Little Pony Rainbow Dash Sea Pony Vinyl Figure #12 [Regular Version] [Toy].” ToyWiz, Funko POP!/Hasbro, Suffern, NY:
ToyWiz.“My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic – Conventions, Events, Comic-Cons.” Roster Con, Roster Con/ My Little Pony,
McCarthy, Meghan. My Little Pony The Movie. IMDB, DHX Media/Hasbro Studios, 2017,
Tell me: did you like MLP: FiM? What about it? Is there another generation you prefer? Let me know in the comments.
Movies I’ve Seen Recently
With the slow of my work schedule, I’ve harnessed more time to the silver screen these days. It’s only a coincidence I’ve watched more during a pandemic: I did not come to finish my project until the summer of 2020. Until recently, I’ve caught up with movies that I’ve seen for the first time, most filmed before a pre-pandemic world.
The Assistant
A movie all too familiar by today’s standards of the still-reigning-but still misunderstood Me Too movement. Follow Julia Garner’s (Ozark) invisible and unappreciated character in this male-dominated film that clocks in at only eighty-eight minutes. It leaves you with the disappointing foreboding of how much we must succeed with a movement still in its infancy.
American Psycho
Not all serial killer movies are watchable–what churns one’s stomach makes another’s heart beat with excitement. I was able to sit through this bloody movie; I sat through it with laughter. I am somewhat of the type of person who will laugh at a scary or gory sight to ease my nerves. For this film, Christian Bale pulls off such a diabolical persona, right up there with his narcissism, that I’d probably chuckle nervously if I met someone exactly like him. The film is categorized as a dark comedy, mind you. A dark comedy describes a film involving morbid or gloomy satire. Christian Bale might overdo it in this movie, but I recommend it if you think you might guffaw at this gorefest.
Damn, Sarah Paulson, for someone who doesn’t like to watch herself on-screen, reconsider: you scared the devil out of me! The latest of her films and the first I got around to watch on Hulu. (Thanks, Hulu!) My praise goes to Kiera Allen, who plays the daughter. It’s her second film in six years. For an actress with a slim résumé and I say this respectively, all I will say is that her role here shocked me. I felt inspiration all through. I’m holding on to hope that although her role comes after a six-year mark, she retains a malleable career to land another fantastic role.
I wasn’t Miss. Popular in high school and have watched this film on the topic of girls who were more about academia than the male genitalia; this was a green light. I won’t say how crazed their last day(s) of school is; I will say, at least my stories of how incredulous high school was might sound believable. The cast seen here is still relatively breaking into the spotlight. Kaitlyn Dever is recently known for her role in Netflix’s Unbelievable. As for Beanie Feldstein, she starred in the delightful comedic film Lady Bird. In Booksmart, those two gals go together. There’s a chemistry between them that might make one think, “Is there a reality to their friendship, or is there a falsehood to it?” Realizations hit me as I watched this in awe: Somewhere out in the befuddled world we all inhabit is a friend for every individual. You don’t need twenty friends to get through life–it’s unrealistic to say the least. Another is that I did miss out on entertainment outside of school. That’s another story for me to tell in the future. Last, by expiating others rather than burning ears, that’s where you learn the real them.
Sources: Green, Kitty, director. The Assistant. IMDb,, 31 Jan. 2020,
Ellis, Bret Easton. American Psycho. IMDb,, 14 Apr. 2000,
Chaganty, Aneesh, director. Run. IMDb,, 20 Nov. 2020,
Allen, Kiera. “Kiera Allen.” IMDB,,
Wilde, Olivia, director. Booksmart. IMDb,, 24 May 2019,
Anonymous. “Kaitlyn Dever.” IMDB,,
IMDB. “Beanie Feldstein.” IMDB,,, Jason, director. Ozark. Zero Gravity Management/Media Rights Capital, 2017. IMDB,
“Christian Bale.” IMDb,,
“Sarah Paulson.” IMDb,,
“Stream TV and MOVIES Live and Online.” Hulu, Hulu,
Cholodenko, Lisa and Michael Dinner, directors. Unbelievable. CBS Television Studios/Katie Couric Media, 2019. IMDB,
Gerwig, Greta, director. Lady Bird. Scott Rudin Productions/Entertainment 360, 2017. IMDB,
So what did you think? See any of these movies? Want to? Write them in the comments below.