Writing Websites

Random, yes, but otherwise, awesome!

All right, this I have saved in my bookmarks from 2012. Below are the coolest gifts you can find for writers or yourself if you are a writer. I received the floating bookshelf one year for Christmas. It’s come in handy!

20 Best Gifts for Writers

Want to play around with symbols? Here’s the website you’ve (probably) been waiting for.


While not exactly writing based, this offers a plethora of knowledge.


This Pinterest link to an amount of heavenly gifts for writers. You can’t browse just one website for them!


For those who are interested in bookbinding or never knew it was a thing. I purchased supplies probably back in 2012 and still haven’t used them! Der!


A page of delicious fairy tales from around the world! Some you know and some you don’t! 


In need of list making but need to keep your lists intact? Below are books just for that! I know, I rhymed! Damn it!


For visual learners, like me.


The ultimate online store to buy writing supplies!


A fun site to look at for whether you need to find a baby name or need it for a character in your next short story.


You’ve been searching for a study guide. How ’bout a lesson plan? Teacher wants you to bring in a biography? With essays, homework help and a blog, this website is your savior!


If BookRags is not your thing, check out the one below. This one offers quizzes on your favorite book characters and subjects other than English, from History to Philosophy.


Since I love infographics I thought I’d share another website with you. They are teeming with knowledge!
